Margie Tannehill
Phone:  630.821.0206

UCGA - Unemployment Compensation Group Account

Any public library, library system or library district within the State of Illinois.

Payment Due Dates

Within 45 days of the last day of the quarter.

Quarter End
Due Date
March 31
May 15
June 30
August 15
September 30
November 15
December 30
February 15


Forms and Reports
The original UI-3/40 Form should be filed with the State of Illinois.  A copy of (1) the UI-3/40 Form, (2) LIMRiCC's Contribution Report and (3) payment should be send to LIMRiCC. If you have a payroll service filing your taxes, please send a copy of the  (1) Quarterly Wage Detail Report, (2) Quarterly Contribution Report and (3) your payment to LIMRiCC.
Payment of Claims
LIMRiCC pays unemployment claims on the library's behalf using the funds from the unemployment pool and adjusts the member's account accordingly.
Equifax  (Formerly TALX)
Equifax is LIMRiCC’s unemployment consultant and can assist you with your unemployment claims.  Please contact our representative, Vonshalay Meade at vonshalay.meade@equifax.  
Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) Letters or Statements
Any charge statements and bills received from the IDES should be forwarded to LIMRiCC via email at or via US postal service. 
UI-3/40 Forms
Although you do not pay the State of Illinois directly, the UI-3/40 must be filed by the due date.  The due date is the last day of the month following the end of the quarter: April 30, July 31, October 31 and January 31.  A penalty will be charged by the State for any late submissions.
Employee Termination
Upon termination of an employee, please report the separation in the Equifax CaseBuilder System. Please enter LIMRiCC as the employer’s name.
Payout of Dividends
Any library that has been a member of UCGA for at least ten years and has a credit balance, will receive a refund each year that the pool has funds in excess of $1,000,000 as of the June 30th audited financial statement.  The refunds shall be based on the ratio of the credit balance in the qualifying individual members accounts to the total balances of all of the qualifying member accounts. The dividends will be distributed by January 31st, the following year.

The original UI-3/40 Form should be filed with the State of Illinois.  A copy of (1) the UI-3/40 Form, (2) the Quarterly Contribution Report, and (3) payment should be sent to LIMRiCC.If you have a payroll service filing your taxes, please send a copy of the  (1) Quarterly Wage Detail Report, (2) your Quarterly Contribution Report, and (3) your payment to LIMRiCC.

For information on joining the program please contact:

Who can Join?

Participating libraries can submit their portion of unemployment compensation directly to LIMRiCC rather than the State.  The annual rate is based on the individual library's last three years of claims history and taxable payroll. 

Additional Forms and Links

How to Join

2024 UCGA Master Rate Schedule.pdf

Quarterly Wage Detail Template

Please complete the attached worksheet for your Quarterly Wage Detail Reports. This report should be sent along with the Quarterly Contribution Report to LIMRiCC.

2024 UCGA Contribution Report.pdf                       2024 UCGA Contribution Report_Fillable Form